Limiting Beliefs

I’m not good enough

Limiting beliefs are often formed in our childhood. They are thoughts that limit us from living our full potential. 

Examples of limiting beliefs are: I’m not good enough, I’m not worth it, I’m not pretty enough, I’m unlovable, I’m not strong enough, I can’t do that, etc

While they are formed to keep up safe they are rarely formed from facts. Rather it is from our interpretation of what happened that forms these beliefs. 

Take a minute and think of a limiting belief you have. Think about the truth of the statement. Can you think back to your earliest memory of this thought? Where did it come from? What evidence do you have to support that thought? What evidence do you have that the thought is not true?

Just yesterday I struggled with a limiting belief. As I make some pretty big decisions on the directions of my life I was given several paths. I have been confused on which one I should take. The known and sure path was not the one that aligned with my passion. My passion led me to the one with the most fear. Talking with a mentor I discovered my fear was due to the belief that I am not good enough. If I take this path and it doesn’t work it will reinforce my belief that I just can’t do it. She helped me see where this came from and also that I am not my fear. I can do it. 

Fortunately I have been able to crush the bar I used to have. Let me share with you some other limiting beliefs I had and the thoughts I have replaced them with now. 

I am not worthy of love and support. I am human so therefore I am worthy of love and support. 

I am not enough. I try my best and continue to work on me. I am enough because I am me. 

If I am authentic I will be abandoned. By living authentically I will attract the people who love me for me. 

5 Steps to overcoming your limiting beliefs: 

  1. Make a list of thoughts you have that keep you from living as you want.
  2. Try to find where these thoughts originated. Go back as far as you can remember. 
  3. Realize these thoughts are not the truth.
         A. What evidence do you have to support these thoughts?
         B. What evidence do you have opposite your thoughts?
  4. Create a new thought and belief that is supported by facts. Own your power over your thoughts.
  5. Practice. Continue to question your beliefs each time they come up. Reframe and challenge the thought.

It is time for you to change your thoughts and create a new mindset. You are worthy, enough, lovable, etc. Start to think it and believe it and the world around you will change. Remember: what you think you become. 

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