Core beliefs are our beliefs about ourselves, others and the world around use. They are things we hold true to our very core, underneath all thoughts. Generally they are formed as children by our experiences and our interpretations of those experiences. They guide how we see ourselves and perceive situations. Most of us will battle at some point in our lives with thoughts and feelings which threaten to derail our success and happiness.
Here are some common examples:
- I am unattractive.
- Everyone else is better at their job than I am.
- The world is full of selfish people.
- Everyone just wants to take and never give.
Our whole lives are dictated by such inner beliefs and, most importantly to note, sometimes or core beliefs are inaccurate! Looking at these examples you can guess the influence they would have. In thinking you are unattractive you will no doubt struggle with your self-esteem and confidence. If you think everyone else is better at their job you may feel small and unimportant.
If you think the world wants to take everything from you then you may struggle to find value with each day and find yourself stuck in a negative, pessimistic loop. This will affect the way you view the world and also what you are willing to give back and share of yourself.
Core beliefs affect what you achieve and how you operate in the world as a whole. Negative, and often inaccurate, core beliefs will drastically reduce your chances of joy and self-fulfilment in life. Core beliefs are thoughts that you have come to believe as truth.
What are your core beliefs?
Answering these questions can help you find out how you view yourself and the world around you.
- What legacy am I leaving behind the world after I’ve gone?
- How am I making choices based on “I should” as opposed to “I want”?
- What consistent negative thoughts do I have?
- How am I completely present with those that I love when I am with them?
- In what ways am I compromising my health or mistreating my body?
- What am I passionate about? How can I spend more time pursuing the things I’m passionate about?
- In what ways do I consider “I’m not deserving or worthy”?
- What am I allowing to distract me from living life to the fullest?
- In what ways am I living a life someone else has defined for me?
- In what areas am I so desperately longing for an outcome that it’s preventing me from enjoying the journey?
Many of these core beliefs are limiting. They hold us back from being who and what we want to be.
I challenge you to take some time to think about your core beliefs. Write them down. Look hard at the negative thoughts. Reflect on their accuracy. Are they true? If they are true and you want to change them write down what it would take to make them false.
If they are not true cross them off your list and re-write the truth.
Acknowledging your core beliefs and being aware of their accuracy is the first step.
Remember, you are enough! You are good, you are worthy and you are special.