Raising children with compassion and self-acceptance starts at home. Learn techniques for teaching children to have empathy, compassion and self-love. *Motivate without the threat of punishment or promise of reward *Listen so others are really heard *Strengthen your emotional connection to your partner and children *Hear the needs behind whatever anyone does or says […]
Learn how to start teaching even children as young as 1 emotions. This is a first step in creating an atmosphere of nonviolent communication. Zoom: 488 398 4187 Free Event
I receive multiple requests for teaching nonviolent communication to children. When I had my first request I wasn’t sure how to respond. After researching I discovered that the first step is to teach children to name and express their emotions. You can go back and see my video or read my blog post on identifying […]
Nonviolent communication is a process that takes practice. Just like teaching children sentence structure you start small. They must have words before they can have sentences and they need sentences to have a conversation. In the 4 main steps of NVC: Observation, Feeling, Need and Request the most basic step is identifying the feeling. I […]